Monday, June 27, 2011

First Day...

It is my first official day of work! Last night was a bit odd--classes ended in late April, and the past two months have been a whirl of graduation festivities, travel, moving, seeing old friends and reading plenty of fiction (no more econ textbooks...for now!). It felt a bit strange to get up this morning and get dressed up.

And yet, what a great time to start work! This week's ruling in Indiana was a great reminder of how vital this work is (see previous post, too). I've met a few members of the team already, and it seems that with various bills' reintroductions, a fight against the global gag rule and a massive training taking place for young women and men in mid-July, there will be no shortage of things to do.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Oh, Mitch Daniels...

Thought I would share news from Indiana regarding 9300 Medicaid patients who rely on Planned Parenthood for vital services.